What age groups does The Little Kew Nursery cater to?

We cater to children aged six months to five years.

What are the nursery's opening hours?

The nursery is open full-time throughout the year.

What is the process for admission and enrollment?

You can arrange a visit and contact us via email to learn more about the admission process.

Is there a specific enrollment period?

No, we have rolling admissions and accept new enrollments throughout the year.

What documents are required for enrollment?

You will need to provide a copy of each child's full birth certificate and two pieces of recent official documentation both containing your permanent home address, for example, a utility bill, council tax statement, housing rent card, child benefit documentation.

What is the educational philosophy of The Little Kew Nursery?

We believe in child-led learning and play, fostering kindness, respect, and empathy.

What facilities does the nursery offer?

We have two large rooms: one for children aged 0-2 years with access to the garden, and another for children aged 3-5 years, also with garden access. There is a separate sleeping area for children, with facilities provided.

Are meals provided at the nursery?

Yes, we provide healthy hot lunches for the children.

How can parents provide feedback or raise concerns?

Parents can arrange meetings to discuss concerns and provide feedback.

Are there any special programs or activities?

We emphasise outdoor play and child-led learning activities.

How qualified is the staff at The Little Kew Nursery?

Our staff are experienced and passionate about early childhood education.

Can you describe the outdoor facilities?

We have a secure and engaging garden space for exploration and outdoor activities.

How can parents stay updated on their child's progress?

Parents can log in to Tapestry to see photos and videos of their children.

Is The Little Kew Nursery Ofsted registered?

Yes, we are Ofsted registered. The details are <INSERT HERE>

Are there testimonials from other parents?

Yes, we have many positive reviews from parents, which you can read on our website.

Are there opportunities for parental involvement?

Parents can participate in meetings and provide feedback through various channels.

Do you offer support for children with special needs?

Our approach is inclusive, and we aim to support all children. Please contact us to discuss specific needs.

What safety measures are in place at the nursery?

Our nursery complies with all legal requirements and standards set by Ofsted to ensure a safe environment for the children.